Notice Display Pro

$15.00 / year

A powerful tool to easily administrate notices for particular topics site-wide.

Category: , ,


Display notices based on any number of keywords found in the page URL.

This tool is great to bring attention to your visitors or members about any number of things via the Notices system of Xenforo.

Highlight, warn or communicate sitewide about almost anything. If the URL contains the name, title or regular expression, the notice is shown.

For example, bring attention to any thread or page on your website that discusses:

  • A product or company
  • A person, place, country or city
  • A breed, disease, color, apparel or whatever

Endless possibilities by using regular expressions, wildcards and keywords in the URL of your community


  • Seamless integration with the existing Notices system
    • New “URL Keyword” ability under “Page Criteria”
  • Keyword matching
  • Wildcard matching ( with * )
  • Regular expression matching

URL Examples:

  1. /whatever/bugs-bunny-lives-here
  2. /threads/bugs-are-no-good
  3. /forums/1979-bugs-bunny-movie

You can match all #1, #2 and #3 with:

Or, match #1 and #3 with:

Or, specifically only match #3 types of URL’s (YEAR-bugs-bunny) with:

Please note:

  • There are no specific options with this add-on
  • Install and use the “Notices” system as usual
  • This add-on will appear under “Page Criteria” of the Notices system
